Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Is Trade Expo Nigeria(TEN) Worth It?

For entrepreneurs across every industry, trade shows loom as a large, tempting, but sometimes overwhelming idea. On one hand, they are a vast watering hole for partners, end-users and the press. 
So what’s the deal with TEN anyway? Is it as great as it seems? Is it worth the money and effort? The short answer is
yes -- 
If you’re still on the fence about whether TEN is the right opportunity for you, here are some surprising benefits TEN, no matter your company size.

1. A peek at the competition.

While your focus is on your own product and the interactions and prospects at the show, being in close proximity to other companies marketing to the same crowd is an added bonus.

 It gives you the opportunity to scope out what is new and interesting in the marketplace, so you can come up with a plan for counteracting it.

2. Press coverage.

The same competition and new technology that you are able to observe draws another crowd of definite interest -- the press.
 A large concentration of reporters writing specifically about your industry is a great opportunity for business owners to capitalize on. 
If you are able to land a few interviews, or even mentions in a broader story, TEN becomes one of the cheapest ways to do PR and marketing. 
Sending out a well-crafted press release, or even a softer “media alert” ahead of time, can help you make the most out of the media attention at a TEN.

3. Potential partnerships.

While the main function of a TEN is to get your product in front of a concentrated audience, TEN is also a great place to meet other entrepreneurs who are producing complementary products and services to yours.
 In many cases, a creative businessperson can take these potential competitors and merge ideas to make both of your companies more successful than they were before.

4. Increased exposure.

Small and mid-sized companies can often latch on to the energy of a large event and make their own presence feel bigger.
 The media is already covering TEN. Customers and other companies are tweeting about it, and people are searching for news surrounding it.
 This means that your own press coverage, tweets and blog posts will come up in searches at an increased rate.
 People may pay attention to your product because it is part of the larger story, where otherwise they wouldn’t have noticed it at all.

5. AWARD: If you’ve got something innovative and effective, going after the awards at TEN not only increases your exposure at the show, it gives you something to talk about for the whole year. 

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