Wednesday, 11 December 2019

The Value Of Trade Expo Nigeria (TEN) In Prospect Building

The value of TEN to economy is very strong.
In fact, 99% of exhibitors find unique value delivered by TEN which are not provided by other marketing channels. TEN give exhibitors and attendees the chance to talk face-to-face, an increasingly difficult struggle in the era of video communication, emails, and text messages. TEN lead to more conversations, more leads, and more sales than other marketing events. 

Trade Expo Nigeria (TEN) presents all Nigeria products and service attracting visitors from all sectors of economy locally and internationally.

Prospect Building:

1. 90% of expo attendees have not met face-to-face with any companies exhibiting at the show in the 12 months prior to the event.

TEN provide a great opportunity to network and build relationships with current clients and potential prospects.
2. Over 50% of the expo attendees are there for the first time.
3. 67% of all attendees represent a new prospect and potential customer for exhibiting companies.
2 of 3 attendees don’t currently use the product or service of the exhibiting company.
4. 81% of trade show attendees have buying authority.
4 out of 5 people walking through the show are potential customers for exhibitors.
5. The average attendee spends 8.3 hours viewing trade show exhibits at an exhibition.
You have plenty of time to network and make connections at the event. Attract attendees to your booth that will attract attendees to your booth such as visual representations.

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